Monday, February 8, 2010


This blog is turning into a yarn blog! I think this time last year i blogged about the garden more! (Its doing okay, maybe wilder than last year, yesterday I harvested carrots, cauliflower, runner beans; purple and green, zucchinni, and tomatoes). But look what  came in the mail today! The wool giveaway from Jessicah at Spinning a Yarn , dyed in the colours I suggested, PLUS, some goodies for the children, and chocolate for me (And maybe Struan, if it isnt gone before he gets home)!   i'm so blown away, thank you Jessicah!

A glove (other still to come), for Struan in some more of the wool I dyed last week, I'm very happy with it. The pattern is from stitch 'n Bitch for men . 

 In other new, we have been making some good old fashioned valentines cards for people we love, after first having read about the history of it and looking at examples of the olden days cards held at a museum (found by googling valentines cards history of).  The kids all got stuck in their own creative ways.

 it is incredibly hard to find paper doilies these days! Is anyone else going to bake off?  Sounds like fun don't you think?


  1. You're welcome Melissa, I'm glad you liked it and it arrived so quickly! You man-mitts are wonderful- seems venom green (as it is called in our house) is a popular man colour!

  2. I love the glove! the cable is awesome and the colours are too!

  3. Thank you for the lovely comments! Ill tell Struan heHAS to wear them!
