Friday, June 22, 2012

more tree buttons

 Some of the finished  buttons. These ones are cherry wood: now sanded and sealed with homemade beeswax polish. Wrapped up with some wool and a pattern for my mum who has rediscovered knitting! (She taught me everything i  needed to start my knitting journey around age 8)
 These ones are either apple or hazel wood,   (there's just a big pile of unfinished buttons in the shed...the cherry ones are obvious, the rest less so), adorning a newly finished winter coat for Joska.
The pattern is the 
"baby in the hood jacket" from Anna Maria Horner's 'Handmade Beginnings.' The outer fabrics are velveteen and some sort of upholstery stuff from op shops, then stashed. The lining is some train print cotton from the local school gala/bookfair last year.
 The tree buttons were sliced a few weeks ago, then I drilled the holes using a 1.5 mm drill bit and left to dry for a few weeks. Then in the last few days I've sanded the ones I needed with 180 grit sandpaper and polished with some wax and vegetable oil melted together ( I have a big pot of it in the pantry), I think it was 50/50 mix.
I had a few casualties, but they were wafer thin to start with.
  I have a knitting project to be getting on with ( when Joska has his 30 min cat nap); what will you do with this cold, wet weekend?


  1. That coat is delightful! I can't believe you mad e your own buttons, that is just such a cool idea.

    This weekend we are planting my daughters whenua and with it a kowhai tree. Hoping the weather stays dry!

  2. what a lovely lovely coat! nice job, might have to hunt out this book at the library!

  3. I adore both the coat and the buttons! Very cute, and very well done : ) (and yes, I have been eyeing up the book on the net, might see if our library has it too!)
