Wednesday, March 27, 2013

mud monsters

...some late-afternoon mud-monsters invaded our house...
...and told the baby he could have a dip too...  

.."okay friends, just let me kick the ball around first..."


Late summer ( i did think It could be really autumn now, but then we had three days of 28 degrees c again, so late summer it still is, although we are optimistically decorating with the few autumn leaves we can find...), play, sewing, home-making for the winter to come. Wood pile is in the shed, tomatoes are souped and canned, peaches stewed and frozen and sauced, blackberries frozen. Autumn are you ready?
 My cupboards are full of tallow, rendered by me; the used -to -be lifetime vegetarian!

Sunday, March 10, 2013

playgroup camp

 Homeschool/playgroup camp to Pakawau ...
 some much needed relaxation and space....

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

joska turns one!

 our baby turns one early morning wake up from excited siblings ( one didn't sleep all night in anticipation of a tooth fairy visit)...
 paleo birthday cake for breakfast....
 everyone had made something for him...maaike a pillowcase, anoushka some pants and tobin some more pants... the girls are doing a textiles class and are getting more independent with the machines and techniques... so proud!